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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 20 May 2002

As my regular readers know, Bro. Jay Kinney was here on Saturday to give a speech at the lodge. Though the turnout was smaller than I had expected, a good number of guests showed up and our speaker did a really great job. It was also a lot of fun meeting Bro. Kinney and his wife. They're both great people, very intelligent and fun to hang out with. And they have good taste in beer, to boot!

The lodge presented him with a certificate of appreciation, and he presented the lodge with a full set of GNOSIS magazines. That was quite a treat! The audience received Jay very well, and all of them had nice things to say afterward. The event was certainly a success, and as a result, we've already begun talking about inviting another speaker next year.

Many thanks to those of you who attended. As for those of you who didn't, well, you really missed out!

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