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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 13 May 2002

Some of you are probably aware that there's a movement which believes that Francis Bacon was involved with the origins of Freemasonry. He was also supposedly a Rosicrucian. I'm not too sure about all of that, but I know that he was an intelligent, thoughtful man. I was very fortunate to find a 1930s printing of Volume III of the Harvard Classics, containing essays by Bacon, Milton, and Browne. I don't know a whole lot about those last two guys, and reading early 17th century English isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world (imagine reading philosophy by Shakespeare), but I am looking forward to the challenge of working through Bacon's Essays and New Atlantis. Wish me luck!

Hopefully that was a big enough collection of links to keep you busy for a while. Last night, while browsing lostWord and drooling over some of their fine wares, I came across this excellent Masonic jewel copied from the movie based on The Man Who Would Be King by our Bro. Rudyard Kipling. It's beautiful! There's a second pendant available that's equally beautiful, featuring the eye of providence in the square and compasses. Impressive!

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