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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 03 Dec 2001

It's been a very busy couple of months for me. My job has been taking up a great deal of my time, and on top of that I've had a few other projects going on the side.

On Saturday I was installed as Junior Deacon of Ashland Lodge No. 23. It was a great ceremony. Our lodge room was packed to the gills with visitors, Mason and non-Mason alike! I think everybody had a pretty good time.

The rest of the month looks likewise exciting. There are of course more installations all over the valley, but most of them conflict with my schedule so I won't be able to attend. Likewise, we will have our normal Masonic study group on the 17th of the month. On the 21st, Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 Royal Arch Masons will be holding their installation; I shall be installed as Royal Arch Captain. For those of you unfamiliar with the York Rite, the Royal Arch Captain is very similar in duties and responsibilities as the Junior Deacon in the blue lodge.

We have some great things coming up next year. Our incoming Worshipful Master has done a lot of hard work planning for a bunch of neat events. In addition, the study group has some cool things coming down the pipe, as well, so watch this page!

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Geo. Washington Past Master Award

Copyright © 2000-2005 by Erik Arneson <dybbuk+journey@lnouv.com>