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Erik's Masonic Journey

Sun, 30 Sep 2001

Yesterday I had the honor and pleasure of being exalted to the sublime degree of Royal Arch Mason. It was a very moving and meaningful experience and an amazing degree. I have to say that I agree with all of those who recommend that every Master Mason go on to receive the Royal Arch degree.

The degree work was done with the assistance of several chapters, and I don't have all of their names here with me. Here is a short list of those I can remember: my home chapter, Siskiyou Chapter No. 21; Oregon Chapter No. 4 in Jacksonville; and Coquille Valley Chapter No. 57 in Brookings. They were assisted by Right Excellent Grand Lecturer Gene Wright, PGHP, and Right Excellent General Grand Principle Sojourner Carl Carlson, PGHP. I am very grateful to all of them for their hard work. If you're reading, thank you!

And now I would like to present links to the Grand Chapter RAM of Oregon and the General Grand Chapter RAM International. Read and enjoy! If you have book recommendations or websites to send me to that can help me digest all of the information in the RAM degree, please send it to me!

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