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Erik's Masonic Journey

Sun, 09 Sep 2001

After a Dark summer, the lodge has become Light again in a big way! This weekend we conferred three degrees! On Friday night we raised one brother to the sublime degree of Master Mason, and on Saturday we passed two brethren to the degree of Fellowcraft. It was a lot of work. Our degree team, which had never done the Master Mason degree before, worked for many months to get that one right. I played the part of the 1st FC, and we're pretty close to having a complete team.

It was only with the help of Medford Lodge No. 103 that we were able to pull the degrees off. They are always there to lend us a hand, and we're very lucky to have a large group of such helpful brethren so close by.

I'm looking forward to the coming year. We have a lot of stuff on our plate. In October, we'll have an official visitation from our new DDGM, R:.W:.B:. Leland Stickney. In November, we'll have elections, and December will be our installation. In the meantime, the new lodge website is coming together, and hopefully I'll be able to unveil it soon!

I hope everybody had a great summer, and I'm sorry I don't have any links to share! I will get working on it.

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Geo. Washington Past Master Award

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