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Erik's Masonic Journey

Tue, 08 May 2001

Before getting into my update, I'd like to share two exciting pieces of news. First of all, the Grand Lodge of Iowa now recognizes Prince Hall Masons! The Grand Lodge of F&AM of the State of New York also recently voted to recognize Prince Hall Masonry. This is great news for both of those jurisdictions. Congratulations, brothers!

Now, on to our regular news. Brother Scott Carter of Carterworks, Brother Tony King, and I have been discussing website design for Ashland Lodge's website. We've got some great plans, and this Thursday at our stated communication I will be pitching the idea to the lodge. I'm sure they'll accept it, but I am still nervous about the idea. This promises to be very exciting.

We are also going to be starting a Masonic Study Group which will meet on the third Monday of the month at the Ashland Masonic Center. This is also a very new thing for all of us. We plan on beginning by inviting all of our new Entered Apprentices and spending the first meeting or two discussing the EA degree, its ritual and meaning. Does anybody have any good tips for us? If so, please drop me a line and share them!

Stay tuned, and our new lodge website will be posted here when it's ready!

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