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Erik's Masonic Journey

Thu, 15 Feb 2001

The episode of History's Mysteries last night was very interesting, and in my opinion about a billion times better than the episode on secret societies last Sunday. The first half of the show painted a very glowing picture of our fraternity, with the last half covering the Morgan Affair and the negative effects it had on Freemasonry.

The one thing that disappointed me the most about the show was that so much time was spent focusing on the Morgan Affair, and not enough on either the symbolism of Freemasonry or the state of modern day Masonry. The latter was briefly covered during the last few minutes of the show, but it sure made us sound like a dying breed!

Overall, I think the show was great exposure for us! They said so many good things about Masonry, and didn't interview a single conspiracy freak or paranoid kook, which was very nice. It renewed my faith in the History Channel, that's for sure.

By the way, if anybody would like to buy the video online, it can be ordered here.

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