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Erik's Masonic Journey

Wed, 16 Aug 2000

Today I received my order from All Things Masonic. They messed up the order a little bit and only sent me one car emblem instead of two, but that's alright because we've decided that we're going to start taking stickers off the Focus in hopes that people will stop scratching and denting it! I've never seen a new car get battered in parking lots so often, and I'm starting to feel like it's in that Saturn commercial. Also, the coffee mug I ordered is very nice, but the colors in the Square & Compasses seem a bit washed out and pale. Still, it was very prompt service. I suspect the messed up quantities was a bug in their shopping cart software, as the invoice says I only ordered one.

Bro. Mike Leigh sent me a link to his lodge, Oaklands Lodge No. 5356 in the Province of Cheshire. It is a nice page with a very attractive pink background and has a good FAQ and some excellent photos. Speaking of provinces, I also have a link to The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Hertfordshire which I've been sitting on for a while. It looks to be a very well-maintained website, and while it doesn't have anything to do with the Blue Lodge (at least, I don't think it does), I'm including it anyhow. I believe Mark Master is an additional degree one may receive in parts of the UGLE, but I'm not sure. I'd like to know, so please e-mail me if you can shed some light on this subject.

Well, Bro. Duncan Ellis revealed an interesting link to the ritual for a Masonic wedding on the eGroups Freemason list. Apparently the ritual is worked in parts of Turkey, and while it isn't used as an official ceremony it's a sort of Masonic nuptial affirmation. It looks very interesting!

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