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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 05 Jun 2000

It's another Monday! This weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday I spent a few hours at the Lodge hanging out with my mentor. We talked about all kinds of things, and I ended up bringing home A Pilgrim's Path by John J. Robinson. I'm nearly done with it and have been impressed with late Bro Robinson's writing and ideas. I'm sure that his popularity has caused his ideas to be looked at very seriously in my Lodge, but I will have to wait to find out.

I also spent more time pitching my website idea to my mentor, and he really likes it. He doesn't have any experience with computers, but he understands that it is a great way to reach people. I will probably start putting something together after I get a more comprehensive pricing scheme for him to look at and share with the Lodge. Also, he invited Valkyrie and me to a public installation and dinner being given by the local York Rite organization. They send a local minister to the holy land every year, and when he returns he gives a speech or a presentation. This will be a great opportunity to show off my new suit!

I also got a Masonic emblem to stick on our car. If you check out that link, we got model AE-3. It is extremely shiny. Also, I am thinking of buying a neat Masonic tee-shirt. I have been looking at these shirts at The Greek Shop. Does anybody know of a good place online to purchase some nifty Masonic tee-shirts? Drop me a line and let me know!

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