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Erik's Masonic Journey

Fri, 02 Jun 2000

I don't know why I hadn't mentioned this before, but last weekend I picked up the new suit I bought. I needed one primarily for Lodge meetings, but I thought it would be good to have one around just in case. I later found a good web page about buying your first suit. Luckily I had my dad to help me out.

Aside from that, I don't have a lot of updates on this rather slow Friday. I did find a page full of good information on Masonry. Also, I found a page on Bro. Ed King's excellent website which goes into detail about the issues concerning women in Freemasonry.

Lodge coffee was a lot of fun this week. We all just sat around and I got to hear a lot of bad jokes (which, nonetheless, were funny). There were a lot of brothers there this week, and I met some new faces.

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