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Erik's Masonic Journey

Thu, 25 May 2000

Good news! I finally got a new interface working for this page. I will be writing something up about the technical details for those who are interested later. Please, if you notice any oddness or bugs, please e-mail me about them. Also, note that the URL has changed! This page is now located at http://www.aarg.net/mason/. Please update your bookmarks.

In other news, I attended the Lodge coffee morning today, and it was a lot of fun! My Lodge is filled with many friendly people, and they're a joy to hang out with. I also spoke with a fellow I'm going to call Brother Sam about creating a web page for the Lodge, and the other Lodges in the Rogue Valley. Bro Sam thought this was a great idea, and is going to be speaking to the Worshipful Master of Jacksonville Warren Lodge #10 about it soon, and then giving me a call.

I also learned that the Lodge has another petition. I think this is excellent news! A couple of the brothers were heading out to investigate the new petitioner when I was leaving.

Today is also the Royal Arch meeting. Everybody was wearing these bright red blazers, and the coffee meeting was much more crowded than it normally is. I met many new brothers! It was very fun.

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Operative Web-Masons Guild Member
Geo. Washington Past Master Award

Copyright © 2000-2005 by Erik Arneson <dybbuk+journey@lnouv.com>