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Erik's Masonic Journey

Thu, 18 May 2000

Last night I met with my mentor for the first time to study my Entered Apprentice memory work. I am told that I'm making good time, and that I have my young brain to thank for that. It's interesting stuff! Most of it I find that I remember from the initiation, which helps a great deal. This morning is the weekly coffee meeting, but unfortunately I'm unable to attend as I'm going golfing with a good friend.

I know that it may seem a bit odd that I'm putting golfing above the Craft, but my golfing friend is a great guy, and I only get to hang out with him once or twice a week, so I like to seize the opportunity when it arises!

I've continued to have a great deal of encouraging e-mail, and my fingers are getting tired as I try to keep up with responding! The most flattering e-mail by far was from Bro. Peter Reach of Freedom Lodge #169 in Belfast, who presented me with the Excellent Masonic Page award. Thanks, Peter! I was also sent a link to Arcana Lodge #489 in Limestone, Tennessee, from Bro. Terry Baily.

I'm sorry that this entry doesn't have more interesting places to visit. I have a busy day today! Busy with, uh, golf. Does anybody have any amusing anecdotes involving golf and Freemasonry? If so, I'd love to read them.

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Geo. Washington Past Master Award

Copyright © 2000-2005 by Erik Arneson <dybbuk+journey@lnouv.com>