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Erik's Masonic Journey

Tue, 11 Apr 2000

I'm eagerly awaiting news about my petition. The Lodge apparently has a "stated meeting" this Thursday, where hopefully they shall vote on me and things. If you're out there and reading this, please cross your fingers! And feel free to wish me luck via e-mail!

In the meantime, I have learned something pretty amusing. "Buzz" Aldrin, a Freemason, was given a charter by the Grand Lodge of Texas to found a Masonic Lodge on the moon. You can read all about Tranquility Lodge #2000 at its web page. Brother Jack Wise on alt.freemasonry had this to share about it:

At the December 1999 annual Grand Communication, the GL of Texas, Chartered Tranquillity Lodge #2000 to be located at the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon as soon as practical. Until the Lodge can be relocated to the moon, it resides temporarily in the city of Waco, Texas and meets quarterly in the Grand Lodge Building.

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