When National Treasure came out last year, I skeptically went to see it with a brother from the lodge. I wasn't expecting much, especially after reading that horribly inane book, The Da Vinci Code, and seeing the Tomb Raider movies. Thankfully, National Treasure did not disappoint me. It was an entertaining adventure filled with Masonic mystique, great-looking antiques, and clever shenanigans. The audience still has to overlook a few groaners, and there were a couple instances where my suspension of disbelief was badly jarred, but overall I recommend this movie for all Masons and those interested in Masonry. I don't want to give too much away, but I can say that it's nice to finally be portrayed as the good guys for once!
Once again I've been crawling the Internet in search of weblogs mentioning Freemasonry. The most significant new find I have is an article on Blogcritics.org called A Masonic Primer and reading list for after seeing "National Treasure", which contains a good list of books including Bro John J. Robinson's A Pilgrim's Path. The author, Tom Bux, seems to know what he's talking about.
Yesterday I was contacted by a man who has just petitioned a Prince Hall lodge and has decided to keep a record of his progress online, too! You can read all about it at Robert's Masonic Journey. Good luck, Robert! I look forward to calling you "Brother."